Akashic Records Meditation Free Download

Posted : admin On 22.12.2020
Akashic Records Meditation Free Download 3,5/5 3934 votes

The Akashic Records are a library in the fifth dimension that holds the thoughts, emotions, experiences of everything on the planet from the beginning of time. During this powerful class you will be taught how to access yours and others records. Because the records contain information about your soul's journey, accessing them gives you a bigger picture and idea of why, what, and how something is happening. You can ask any question while you're in the records.

Until October 2010 the Halls of Amenti could not be opened by the masses. Fortunately for us, we are now allowed to experience the wisdom of the halls.
The Halls exist in the center of the earth and hold Ascended Masters and Energy beings that teach the mysteries of time, space, alchemy and the nine dimensions. Some of the things they teach are Magnetism-the ability to channel energy through the body and heal, Hycrokinesis-ability to control or manipulate water, Cryokinesis - the ability to control or manipulate temperature, Photokinesis- the ability to manipulate light and become invisible, Bilocation -the ability to be in more than one location at the same time, Remote Viewing - the ability to view in 3d persons, places, things and events in the past, present and future, Telepathy- the ability to communicate with other people or other conscious life-forms through your thoughts, Levitation-the ability to defy gravity and float in the air.

Your ability to put aside your thinking mind and open up your higher self will determine what and how much you learn from the Masters. Please note that this is a very rare experience as only a few could enter the Halls!

PDF download and 5 recordings available for free by sign up today! We respect your privacy. Akashic Records,Audio,Meditation,Self Care No Comments. Download This.Powerful. Akashic Records Meditation NOW and Tap Into The Infinite. Sign Up Below To Get Instant Access To The Free Download: We will never sell.

  • Learn to read yours and others Akashic Records at your own pace in the comfort of your home.
  • Heal and clear yourself!
  • Get to know your guides, elders, teachers.
  • Enter the Halls of Amenti and train with Ancient Masters.
  • Support earth healing through the Halls.

FREE Recorded Question/Answer Session Based on this class. Some of my students sent in some questions as they were studying and I've recorded the answers for you to listen to as well.

  • Instant downloadable program in zip file format after payment. Using broadband will make the download time shorter.
  • Includes manual, 5 hours of audio Akashic Records training and 9 hours audio recording of the class for Akashic Records and Halls of Amenti.
  • Cost: $99
  • Please download the link within 24 hours or the link will expire.

  • PURCHASE NOW If you're new to energy work, this is a gentle, easy class where you can't make mistakes! Enjoy getting to know yourself and others! I will be happy to answer questions about the process and if you're stuck on a certain clearing or directions. Please do not email me about what your soul name, what your guides names are or what the answer to something is. That requires me to read your records which makes it a session. Remember the audio that answers questions above as well.

Hello Mona,

I just wanted to say I have really been enjoying the online Akashic Records & Halls of Amenti Course. I actually spoke with you a couple of weeks ago about using pendulums… and at that time you let me know I had some clearing work on myself to do. /naruto-shippuden-471-download-torrent.html. I very much appreciated the information, and have since cleared this and continue to use clearings daily, simply for good measure! I also have continued to do a LOT of homework with the Akashic Records andwowser, so cool. Lots of deeper understanding about myself, which is just veryawesome.

I just wanted to share these things about myself, because in learning even more great stuff within spiritual development, the Akashic Records is such a greataddition. The Halls of Amenti section is next, which looks really interestingas well. So, again, thank you!

Keep doing what you do Mona! Your style is so fun, and the way you shareinformation makes so much sense. Especially how you describe how we are allInfinite Beings and how to better understand our individual purpose.

Have a wonderful evening! Best, Jill M.

Hi Mona, I just wanted to say I loved that course!And love being in that space, they really helped me not feel alone during mydifficult time. Ying Wu

Hi Mona!

I'm having so much fun learning from you in the Akashic Records workshop. It'sso much more than just the A.R.- your connecting the dots and it's leading todeeper understandings for me. I didn't know what Elders were, and now I know Iam one. I didn't really know why I faced depression for so many years, all Ithought is that I didn't belong here. Guides have told me that I am 'starseeded' but I didn't remember what they meant. You're great at translatinglight language in a way that leads to accelerated understanding and Iappreciate that :-)

Akashic Records Meditation Free Download Windows 10

I thought that entering the records was going to feel like a foreign and exoticexperience, but it felt like entering an old, familiar home with a study!

I am enjoying the class and looking forward to strengthening this 'muscle' tobe of service to myself and others, so thank you!

Mikey, MA

I LOVED Mona's Akashic Records / Halls of Amenti class!!!! Mona is a consummate professional and her teaching and guidance during thesix class course was spot on and comforting. Mona's engaging and lovingpersonality allowed us to connect in humor and joy as well, making her classexponentially more enjoyable! Mona guided us skillfully and connected us tothis amazing journey. I must emphasize that I received remarkable wealth ofpersonal information and a continuing Spiritual connection from thisexperience. It was so easy to take the Akashic Record's class with Mona. Iwas happy to skip traveling and was able to attend every class from the comfortof my own home! Mona is an extremely experienced and professional teacher andI highly recommend all of her services! Gail , Swampscott MA
I have new found Joy and a deeper conscious Soul Understanding Now! I feel Honored and have opened up an ancient Gateway to Assist on many levels. I was waiting for a while to do this reconnection to the Akashic Records Again. I was guided to you and your website. I am so ready to have this experiences andUnfoldment of my next step to the Beyond of It All. My heart is filled andFulfilled. In Gratitude to your Being. Raleen
I can not express in words the journey I had as a participant in Mona's AkashicRecords and Halls of Amenti class. It is something one must experience firsthand to appreciate. You will 'walk away' all the better for it. Mona's gift isto help you rediscover or uncover the gifts within yourself. She providedsupport and guidance, which helped me to become more confident in accessinglatent abilities as well as in using them. So much awaits you and you will findthat this is just one 'thread' that connects to any and all aspects you willencounter as a soul. Since taking the class, I've grown more confident in how I receive information and have even begun reading for friends.Thank you for all that you do Mona!-Karrol Altarejos
I want to share something with you. I purchased the Akashic course. In the Halls I really didn't have very strong experiences until I met the Guardian.When I spent time with him I saw VIVID stars. They were amazing. Now Ifrequently see stars when I close my eyes. I even wake from 'dreams' that have been star filled. I'm now fascinated with them (I also watch everything I cansee on space, which i never did before). The other night my neighbor was walking me home and he remarked how I always stop and stand in aparticular area. I told him that I could see Orion's Belt and when we got thearea them pointed and said 'there it is'. He couldn't see it for about aminute or two, the he responded that I must have really good eyesight (he's notblind, his is extremely good). OB was very clear to me. I'm thinking that theGuardian is priming my eyesight for some reason. Pretty cool..-Carla K.
I bought Mona's Akashic Records class after my friend talked about it endlessly! It was more than I expected! To understand my own soul and the decisions and choices I'm making, has brought so much more peace into my life. I'm enjoying it so much that I am reading for others now. -Catherine
I have been using the clearings in my own life and it has gotten so much better and easier. I could feel energy moving through my body and honestly I don't feel anything! Peter

Page 1 of 3
Meditation recordings by Janet Wright - Free to Download

This is page 1 of 3 where you can download my audio meditation recordings- for free! This page has the recordings that have always been free.
Starting May 2017 I made ALL my audio guided meditation recordings free, so be sure to visit the other two download pages in this Free Meditations menu here on this site JanetWrightReadings.com for many more meditation recordings that are now free.
All my most recent recordings here & on my site are offered three ways

  • with no background
  • with rainforest birds background sound
  • with calming ocean waves background sound

The mini webinars at the bottom have the most interaction with individual attendees as they are the first webinars I created, in late 2013.
Feel free to download these to your computer. Then transfer them to your smartphone and use them anytime anywhere!
  • To download RIGHT CLICK on the file
  • then choose SAVE AS or SAVE LINK AS
  • double check the destination on your computer
  • click the SAVE button

If you have a mac laptop or mac mouse you may have to do control click, or option click in order to download/save to your computer.
Self Acceptance- Heal & Grow your self-acceptance now thru breathing, using hand chakras to heal your 4th (heart) chakra, colors of grounding, gold bottle brush technique, angels, affirmations. Recorded Nov 2014. 16min
Self Acceptance- see above description. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 16min
Self Acceptance- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 16min
Start or Continue a Project, Get Unstuck in 12min. Good for work break. Private recording released Oct 2014. 12min
Start or Continue a Project- see description above. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 12min
Start or Continue a Project- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 12min
Peace Now: Nurture & Grow your inner peace for 12 min- meditation using thought, intention, body awareness, healing energy, grounding, affirmations, and angels. Recording created Nov 2014. 12min
Peace Now-see above description. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 12min
Peace Now- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 12min
12/4/13 mini webinar: grounding, body awareness, aura, chakras 5, 4, & 7. 24min
12/7/13 mini webinar: 4th (heart) chakra & 4th layer of aura, grounding, earth energy, distractions. 20min

Akashic Records Meditation free download. software

12/30/13 mini webinar: Akashic records, coming into your body, grounding, letting go of past, 5th chakra (communications, inner voice). 26min