Crack Windows Server 2008 R2

Posted : admin On 14.12.2020
Crack Windows Server 2008 R2 4,0/5 6024 votes
01 Sep 2015

Hi All, How to crack windows Server 2008 administrator password. By Manikandan R. On Nov 17, 2011 at 02:52 UTC. General IT Security-6. Next: Top CIS Benchmarks to.

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Terminal connections crack Daily work, we often need to connect remotely to the server in the company, however, the general manager, colleagues need to connect to the server, and the maximum number of connections the default server system is connected only two.
  • If so, the cause could be your Windows Server 2003/2008 (non-R2) KMS host does not support Windows Server 2008 R2 clients. To resolve this, you must install an update on your Windows Server 2003/2008 (non-R2) host.
  • Windows Server Technical Preview Build 9841/9860 All; Proceso para activar windows 2008, 2012, windows 7, windows 8.1. Primero descargar en instalar previamente.NET Framework 4.0 o tener Windows 8/8.1/2012/R2. Desactivar antivirus y windows Defender; Descargar programa activador de windows LINK1 LINK2 LINK3; Descomprimir Archivo activador de.
  • KMSpico Official- is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the activation status of Windows and/or Office.
  • As crack based on removal of activation component involves patching, changes and modification to many system files, it’s likely to be easily detected and nullified by Microsoft, especially in next WGA update or Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Recent Windows clients and servers require generic KMS Client activation keys when activating against volume KMS hosts. These setup keys are not necessary if you’re activating from clean Enterprise or Volume License media in general, and they won’t work if you’re attempting use versions of Windows that do not support volume activation. And they certainly won’t work if you don’t have access to a KMS activation server/host.

If there’s no key listed for your edition of Windows, then it doesn’t support volume activation.

To use these keys:

  1. Open an elevated command prompt.
  2. Set the key: slmgr /ipk (key)
  3. Set the KMS host if needed: slmgr /skms:(ip address)
  4. Trigger activation: slmgr /ato
  5. #win
Operating system editionKMS Client Setup Key
Windows 10 ProfessionalW269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
Windows 10 Professional NMH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9
Windows 10 EnterpriseNPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
Windows 10 Enterprise NDPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4
Windows 10 EducationNW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
Windows 10 Education N2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSBWNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ
Windows 8.1 ProfessionalGCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9
Windows 8.1 Professional NHMCNV-VVBFX-7HMBH-CTY9B-B4FXY
Windows 8.1 EnterpriseMHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7
Windows 8.1 Enterprise NTT4HM-HN7YT-62K67-RGRQJ-JFFXW
Windows Server 2012 R2 Server StandardD2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX
Windows Server 2012 R2 DatacenterW3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9
Windows Server 2012 R2 EssentialsKNC87-3J2TX-XB4WP-VCPJV-M4FWM
Windows 8 ProfessionalNG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4
Windows 8 Professional NXCVCF-2NXM9-723PB-MHCB7-2RYQQ
Windows 8 Enterprise32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7
Windows 8 Enterprise NJMNMF-RHW7P-DMY6X-RF3DR-X2BQT
Windows Server 2012BN3D2-R7TKB-3YPBD-8DRP2-27GG4
Windows Server 2012 N8N2M2-HWPGY-7PGT9-HGDD8-GVGGY
Windows Server 2012 Single Language2WN2H-YGCQR-KFX6K-CD6TF-84YXQ
Windows Server 2012 Country Specific4K36P-JN4VD-GDC6V-KDT89-DYFKP
Windows Server 2012 Server StandardXC9B7-NBPP2-83J2H-RHMBY-92BT4
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint StandardHM7DN-YVMH3-46JC3-XYTG7-CYQJJ
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint PremiumXNH6W-2V9GX-RGJ4K-Y8X6F-QGJ2G
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter48HP8-DN98B-MYWDG-T2DCC-8W83P
Windows 7 ProfessionalFJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4
Windows 7 Professional NMRPKT-YTG23-K7D7T-X2JMM-QY7MG
Windows 7 Professional EW82YF-2Q76Y-63HXB-FGJG9-GF7QX
Windows 7 Enterprise33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH
Windows 7 Enterprise NYDRBP-3D83W-TY26F-D46B2-XCKRJ
Windows 7 Enterprise EC29WB-22CC8-VJ326-GHFJW-H9DH4
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web6TPJF-RBVHG-WBW2R-86QPH-6RTM4
Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC editionTT8MH-CG224-D3D7Q-498W2-9QCTX
Windows Server 2008 R2 StandardYC6KT-GKW9T-YTKYR-T4X34-R7VHC
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter74YFP-3QFB3-KQT8W-PMXWJ-7M648
Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based SystemsGT63C-RJFQ3-4GMB6-BRFB9-CB83V
Windows Vista BusinessYFKBB-PQJJV-G996G-VWGXY-2V3X8
Windows Vista Business NHMBQG-8H2RH-C77VX-27R82-VMQBT
Windows Vista EnterpriseVKK3X-68KWM-X2YGT-QR4M6-4BWMV
Windows Vista Enterprise NVTC42-BM838-43QHV-84HX6-XJXKV
Windows Web Server 2008WYR28-R7TFJ-3X2YQ-YCY4H-M249D
Windows Server 2008 StandardTM24T-X9RMF-VWXK6-X8JC9-BFGM2
Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-VW7VD6-7JFBR-RX26B-YKQ3Y-6FFFJ
Windows Server 2008 EnterpriseYQGMW-MPWTJ-34KDK-48M3W-X4Q6V
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V39BXF-X8Q23-P2WWT-38T2F-G3FPG
Windows Server 2008 HPCRCTX3-KWVHP-BR6TB-RB6DM-6X7HP
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter7M67G-PC374-GR742-YH8V4-TCBY3
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V22XQ2-VRXRG-P8D42-K34TD-G3QQC
Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems4DWFP-JF3DJ-B7DTH-78FJB-PDRHK

Table 1: GVLK KMS Client keys for Windows Client and Server 1

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How activate Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 forever by RemoveWAT or Chew-WGA?

Currently, two leading Windows 7 non-loader crack is RemoveWAT and Chew-WGA. Both tools initially start with different approach, but have since used rather similar crack method, as bugs are discovered and fixed.

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Crack Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

RemoveWAT, developed by Hazar and nononsence is a Windows 7 crack that completely removes Windows Activation Technologies from the system so that users can validate the illegal pirated copies of Windows 7 as genuine status (some reported as “Tampered Binary” in MGADiag due to patching), forever and permanently. RemoveWAT supports both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) and all editions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

RemoveWAT, which has been refreshed to RemoveWAT v1.9, also stops sppsvc service and patches DLL files such as slwga.dll, sppcomapi.dll and systemcpl.dll, where the last one removes the whole Windows activation section from the Control Panel’s System Properties. RemoveWAT also support silent install with /s switch, and can be integrated to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 installation DVD.


Chew-WGA is a similar Windows 7 crack which is designed to test the security resistance of various software protections built into Windows 6.1.x operating systems. It works by restraining certain components of the software protection platform. Other than restricting access to sppcomapi.dll file, Chew-WGA also patches many SPP related files.

Crack Windows Server 2008 R2 Password

Chew-WGA, which currently updated to Chew-WGA v0.9, will make the system to return activated status, and Windows is activated message is displayed in Control Panel’s System Properties.

Chew-WGA 0.9 can be downloaded from the official Chew-WGA website:

As crack based on removal of activation component involves patching, changes and modification to many system files, it’s likely to be easily detected and nullified by Microsoft, especially in next WGA update or Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. In fact, Software Protection Platform (SPP) has been effectively to counter unauthorized edit of system files, which may result in features or functionality of Windows been deactivated, reduced, disabled or removed, causing various error message when user wants to perform certain action. Thus, the cracks should never be executed on a system intended for continual use, and should only be used to extend the evaluation period to avoid reinstallation. In fact, to use Windows operating system any longer than 30 days, users should purchase a license.

Crack Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64 Bit

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only.