Jordan Serial Number Checker
Posted : admin On 17.12.2020- 2.5 million ISSN assigned, more than 70,000 new ISSN per year and 130,000 ISSN modified per year: Read more.
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Piano serial number of uprights are many times located on the inside of the piano stamped onto the plate between the bass string section and the treble string section. Other upright serial numbers are located on the cast iron plate but placed above the treble string section. Grand piano serial numbers are placed in many areas as the.
Item Lookup
Enter the all digits printed on the UPC bar code, including any numbersto the right or left of the bar code itself, even if they don't line upwith the main row of numbers. This should be 13 digits for an EAN/UCC-13,12 digits for a Type A UPC code, or 8 digits for a Type-E (zero-supressed)UPC code. Anything other than 8 or 12 digits is not a UPC code!(And just because it's 8 or 12 digits doesn't mean it is a UPC.)You must enter every digit here.
If you have a barcode scanner that outputs plain numbers, you should beable to use it to enter the UPC number here.
What Makes Jordan Valve Different?
You will notice something different in many Jordan valves … the sliding gate seat. A remarkably simple concept that offers superior performance and benefits not found in traditional rising stem and rotary valves. The sliding ate seat is made up of two primary parts: a movable disc and stationary plate with multiple orifices. Together, this seat set achieves levels of performance, reliability and accuracy that are hard to find in other valve designs.
The JVCV-SVCV is a valve sizing program that helps you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Jordan valve for your application.
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Watch our Product Overview videos that give a brief introduction to our products and their advantages in many applications.
Sliding Gate Reference Cards
Need a reference guide showing the quick specs of our most popular sliding gate valves? Download our Reference Guide.
Read on to learn the benefits of owning sliding gate regulators and control valves.
Combating Droop
Jordan Serial Number Check
Learn more about combating droop in self-contained pressure regulators.
Jordan Serial Number Checker Tool
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